
Showing posts from September, 2017

Reading Notes: Arabian Nights, Part B

There could be a story in how the princess felt throughout this whole ordeal, from the very beginning I like that she is so mean to him that he only sees her once a day Does she truly believe him that Aladdin is dead? I'm sure she feels very very guilty about exchanging the lamp and being the cause of all of this But does she know that everything Aladdin has is because of a genie? Does it not bother her that he is basically always lying to everyone? What do the people in Africa think when this palace appears out of nowhere? Do they know about the magician? You would think the magician would be moe clever than to drink the poisoned wine. Shouldn't he have been a little skeptical of the princess's sudden change of heart? Aladdin in the Magic Garden Bibliography: Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp from Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang  link to reading

Reading Notes: Arabian Nights, Part A

I like the concept of the story within a story within a story. It'a very complex and interesting, but still pretty easy to follow The two maids shouldn't have been so cavalier with his wife's intentions. Shouldn't they have made sure he was actually asleep? Maybe theres a story in the maids wanting him to find out What is the point of beating the king? It won't make the slave heal Also, why does she think the slave will heal? It's been years at this point What was she doing with her other time for all this time if she only comes to the prince once a day? Where does she live? Why did the prince leave his city? Wasn't he excited to continue ruling it? Why was he suddenly okay with leaving for a new city? Could be a story in what happens in his town after they are all turned back into people and their king is nowhere to be found The Young King of the Black Isles Bibliography: King of the Black Isles from Arabian Nights' Entertainments by A...

Week 5 Story: Isis's Plan

Isis was tired. Just plain tired. She’d been sitting in the shadows for far too long and knew she was destined for better things. And to constantly see Ra getting the things she deserved just made it worse. It should be her ruling Egypt, sitting on the throne, living as a god among men. She had always known she was meant for something more. That’s why she picked up magic. Being an enchantress was as close as she could get as a human to having the power she craved. And finally one day she couldn’t take it anymore. She decided that she was going to get Ra’s power by any means necessary. So she began making a plan. She knew the path Ra took every day to get back to his palace, so she decided that she would attack there. Or rather, she would plant the attacker there. She chose a particularly poisonous snake, a viper, and put it right in Ra’s path. And just like she predicted, he was bitten and immediately collapsed in pain. His men carried back him onto his boat and Is...

Reading Notes: Ancient Egyptian Myths, Part A

The story I took notes over this week was The Secret Name of Ra Isis was an enchantress, but wanted to be more Odd that Ra changed his name so many times even though he was always in power. Seems to me that he could have created one name and stuck with it throughout his entire rule What kind of decrees was he issuing? Could be a story in that. Maybe they were unjust and someone was seeking to overthrow him Snakes are a big part of Egyptian history (i.e. Cleopatra) If he is a god, can he be killed by the snake? What would happen if it only momentarily paralyzed him, instead of killing him She is very clever to put him in the position that he had to reveal his name in order for her to save him, especially because she was the one who hurt him in the first place Was the pain from the venom going to be permanent? Was it not going to pass at any point Shouldn't a god be able to withstand the pain? Seems to me that he would have been more wise than to give up his secret name t...

Comment Wall

Here is the comment wall for my Storybook project about the Egyptian goddess Isis!

Week 4 Story: Cupid's Mistake

Cupid was suddenly awoken by a faint glow from the lamp, and opened his eyes just barely, to see Psyche standing over him with a razor. In an instant he was filled with dread. She had discovered his secret, and now the happiness he had found with her had to come to an end. He closed his eyes immediately and hoped that she did not see that he had opened them. She said nothing to indicate she had, so he lay quietly and considered his options. He felt her eyes on him, taking in the fact that the god of love was in her bed. He could hear her looking at all his weapons, and with dread he heard he pick up an arrow. He knew without watching that she pricked her finger with the tip of an arrow, and that she was now truly and completely in love with him. She began to kiss him to wake him, and as he began to stir, a drop of hot oil from the lamp dropped onto his shoulder. At this, he bolted upright, spread his wings, and flew away with a look of pain on his face. As he flew, he fel...

Reading Notes: Psyche's Husband Revealed

Notes for Psyche's Husband Revealed I don't like the phrase "acting a man's part in her boldness". Maybe revisit that notion Very "Beauty and the Beast"-like, maybe consider a gender swap Wonder what exactly was going through her head when she saw that it was Cupid, not a hideous monster Interesting that she is drawn to his weapons, maybe more so than him Very funny that she pricked herself with Cupid's arrow, when it would usually be the other way around So romantic that he disobeyed Venus for her, but that he can't be with her regardless Cupid and Pysche Bibliography: Pysche's Husband Revealed translated by Tony Kline  link to online reading

Topic Research: The Goddess Isis

I think I may want to focus on the Egyptian goddess Isis. I started at the  Wikipedia page  and from there I found a few stories I could use: The first story I found was in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Isis was still worshipped in Greek mythology and makes an appearance in the stories found in Metamorphoses. This would be a good story to use because it has that crossover element I like between Greek and Egyptian mythologies. The second story I looked at was the birth of Anubis, where the twin of Isis dresses up as her to seduce Set, and gave birth to Anubis. This is a classically dramatic story that you would expect from mythology, and I think that family dynamic would be interesting to look at. The third story I liked was the story of Isis and Ra. She tricks him into telling her his secret name, and therefore gains power over him. I like the cleverness she exhibits in this story and would like to focus on that somehow. Osiris, Horus, and Isis

Echo Gets her Revenge

Echo wept silently for days when her love, Narcissus, died and was transformed into a flower. As she could only repeat the last word she heard, she cried “Goodbye!”, for days on end as she grieved. And not a soul heard her cries, expect for one certain goddess. Nemesis, the goddess of revenge, the same one who had cursed Narcissus to fall in love with his own reflection, which led to his death. She recognized Echo’s pain but thought little of it. But as time wore on, she began to wonder who was this girl who continued to cry day after day for a man who lonely ever loved himself. She inquired and was told the story of how Echo’s voice was taken by Juno, wife of Jupiter. Nemesis’s interest was peaked upon hearing this. She had always had ill feelings toward Juno, whom she felt did not deserve the power she was given. So Nemesis saw an opportunity to do what she did best: help someone get revenge. Nemesis returned to the fountain where Narcissus had perished and picked t...